You've been a believer for a while now.
You know what Jesus did for you.
You've been transformed inside, and now you know that God is
calling you to take the next steps...​
"Therefore, in view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God. This is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Romans 12:1-2
ACTIVATE is a transformational 1-day event, to get clarity on the mission that God has for you, a sense of divine purpose that will lift your mind out of limiting beliefs, and learn simple frameworks think strategically about the future.
"The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come so that you may have life and have it in all its abundance!"
John 12:1-2

Andrew is an award-winning educator, impact-entrepreneur, husband & father of 5, personal coach and transformation strategist.
He lives for 'that day' - when you walk into the stadium of heaven, your highlights reel is playing on the big screen, music is booming, but louder than that are the shouts of joy, from angels and saints alike. A mixture of wonder and celebration for the work of God in your life.
The King ushers you forward and the crowd draws silent for a moment, leaning in to hear what he will say...
His words are simple as he places a crown on your head: "Well done my child!"
And then all heaven erupts again.
Andrew stands proudly in the crowd, a tear of joy in his eye, knowing that he helped you to get there.

On the Activate course, together we will...
Journey back to the garden to examine God's original purpose in creating mankind - including you!
Celebrate together and experience the love of God afresh as you meet him in a brand new way
Use proven tools and techniques to tap into the unlimited creative reservoir of your 'imagination'.
Recieve prophetic prayer ministry to help bring clarity to the dreams and desires that are swirling around in your heart.
Discover the miraculous reality that is YOU
Consider in a fresh new way, the completed work of Jesus - the author and perfecter of our faith
Learn 5 key biblical mindset principles that can transform your current reality
Discover your 'Zone of Genius' - the overlapping space between your gifts and talents and the world's needs around you.
Have uplifting and inspiring conversations with other like-minded believers
Design a strategic life plan for you and your family or team

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